Georgia introduces a standard for the general price in public catering establishments

In Georgia, a unified standard is being implemented so that customers can immediately know the cost of their order in a restaurant. That is, to find out the actual cost of an order, it will be enough to look at the prices set in the menu of a cafe or restaurant.
The Agency for Competition and Consumer Protection of Georgia noted that such an initiative was introduced to protect the interests of consumers. According to the agency, this decision was made after studying the case of the Republic restaurant, which may have violated the Law on Consumer Protection.
Thus, the country will introduce a total price standard, according to which each restaurant, cafe or bar must indicate the final or total price, including VAT and other taxes, in a clear and understandable form.
In addition, it is reported that in January 2024 alone, the agency registered 60 appeals regarding violations of consumer rights. Thus, 2 companies were fined, and 13 conditional obligation agreements were concluded in 14 cases in favor of the user.