Snake pizza in Hong Kong: a combination of traditional and modern food

Pizzerias are constantly inventing and creating new pizza toppings and flavors to stay on top of the competition. The popular American pizza chain Pizza Hut decided to take a fresh look at traditional Hong Kong food by offering snake pizza.
Yes, you heard right! The company has partnered with Ser Wong Fun, a century-old restaurant in downtown Hong Kong that serves snake soup, to offer this special dish," writes the News Bytes website.
Since ancient times, snake stew has been a favorite dish among diners in Hong Kong and the surrounding areas of southern China, especially in winter.
Medicinal properties
Many people believe that snake meat has medicinal properties. In Hong Kong, there is a local belief that eating snake soup not only keeps you warm on cold days, but also promotes healthy skin and inner warmth.
It is believed that snake meat has therapeutic properties that can improve skin condition and increase body temperature. It is often consumed in Southeast Asian countries. Snakes are even raised on farms for culinary purposes.
Abalone sauce instead of tomato base
According to CNN, this pizza is served with cheese and diced chicken, which is based on the belief in traditional Chinese medicine that adding nutritious meat can speed up blood circulation. The snake pizza is served with abalone sauce instead of the traditional tomato base.
Other unusual pizzas in the world
This is not the first time that Pizza Hut has served unique pizza varieties. In Malaysia, the pizzeria chain served pizza with the flavor of durian, which is one of the stinkiest foods in the world.
In Australia, kangaroo meat can be found in many food establishments and in various forms. One of the unique ways that Australians enjoy it is through kangaroo pizza.