Southwest Airlines plans to update the interior of new planes: What will change

The American low-cost airline Southwest Airlines has proved that it is committed to improving and modernizing its aircraft, including in the cabin. The innovations planned by the carrier will help make passenger travel more comfortable.
The design and some of the interior elements of the aircraft, including the most important - the seats - will undergo changes. The airline's website describes the new products that its customers can expect soon.
Southwest Airlines is working with the design company Tangerine on an "upgrade" for new planes that will be delivered starting next year.
First of all, tourists can expect to be greeted in the cabin not by "wooden" seats with limited space but by an invention by RECARO, a company known for its motorsports racing, play, and child seats.
"The new RECARO seats include a multi-adjustable headrest cushion for improved head and neck support, an intuitive seat design for maximum comfort with maximum seat width and overall support," Southwest writes.
Near the seats, tourists will also find holders for phones and tablets, as well as built-in charging ports. In addition, passengers will have more space for their luggage in the new planes.