Steward warns passengers to never wear shorts on a plane

If you don't know what to wear on an airplane, there is only one rule to keep in mind.
A flight attendant with the nickname @tommycimato shared it on TikTok. He gave five tips on how to behave on an airplane. And the most interesting of them is about clothes.
The only thing you should avoid, he says, is shorts. According to him, it's better to wear pants if you don't want your bare legs to fall victim to the huge number of germs that can be on the seats.

In addition to this advice, the steward said a few other important things.
"Never touch the flush button with your bare hands. Honestly, it's just super unsanitary and quite disgusting, so when you flush, use a napkin," he explained.
The woman also advises not to forget to drink water and not to fall asleep with your head leaning against the window, as there can be many germs there as well.
"Don't be afraid to tell the flight attendant if you're not feeling well. So if you need food, water, or a bag to fight air sickness, please let us know," the steward said.