Strange noises during Airbus take-off: what they mean and whether to be afraid

Airbus, one of the world's largest aircraft manufacturers, has become unwittingly famous among tourists for the strange sound its passenger planes make when they take off. Some people describe it as a "dog barking" sound, while others say it resembles a "drilling" sound.
What does this atypical loud sound mean and is there anything to be afraid of, WA Today has found out. The publication explains that it is caused by a hydraulic pump.
If you've ever flown on an Airbus passenger jet, you may have heard the grinding noise as the aircraft takes off and climbs. Some passengers may mistake this for a malfunction, but there is no reason to be alarmed.

This noise is caused by a hydraulic pump known as the Power Transfer Unit (PTU). It maintains the pressure in the aircraft's hydraulic systems, and when the pressure drops below a certain level, the PTU activates with a loud sound.
Passengers should always remember that flying by plane is statistically safer than travelling by car. To avoid panicking during turbulence or strange noises, you should keep an eye on the crew.
As long as the flight attendants behave calmly and the pilot doesn't announce any danger, there's no reason to panic and you can enjoy the flight.