Timing is Key: How to Ask Out a Flight Attendant the Right Way

A Delta Air Lines flight attendant has revealed the best approach for asking out a member of the cabin crew: be discreet and wait until the end of the flight. This advice comes with the understanding that any romantic gesture made mid-flight can lead to an uncomfortable situation for both parties involved.
According to the flight attendant, initiating such interactions during drink service or trash pickup can be awkward, as the crew member is professionally obliged to be polite. This could make the situation uncomfortable for the flight attendant, who is just trying to do their job.
Instead, the flight attendant suggests that passengers who feel a genuine connection should wait until they are deplaning to hand over their number. This way, the crew member can choose whether or not to respond, avoiding any potential awkwardness during the flight.
Dating a flight attendant comes with its own set of challenges. With constantly changing schedules, making plans can be difficult, and flight attendants are often away from home, leading to potential jealousy in relationships. Additionally, flight attendants reportedly have among the highest divorce rates.
Despite these challenges, the allure of dating flight attendants persists, likely due to the glamour historically associated with the profession. However, it’s essential to remember that flight attendants are at work and asking them out in front of other passengers and colleagues can be embarrassing for everyone involved.
For those passengers hoping to make a connection, it’s advisable to strike up a friendly conversation during quieter moments, perhaps in the galley. Showing kindness to other passengers or offering travel tips can also help make a positive impression.
In summary, if you feel a spark with a flight attendant, wait until the flight ends to discreetly offer your contact information. A well-timed gesture at the right moment can make all the difference, avoiding the pitfalls of mid-flight advances and ensuring that any potential connection is handled with respect and consideration.