Tourist tells what struck him in the Australian outback: it's not giant snakes and spiders

Famous for its dangerous predators, large snakes and spiders, Australia can surprise tourists with other wonders. Moving away from Sydney and other metropolitan areas, you can come across clay structures called termites.
These small insects, which are not too dangerous for humans, show a real engineering talent that can be admired for hours. According to the Express, a trip to the outback of Australia is worth it to admire these multi-meter-high towers.
Despite the heat, which reached 41 degrees, the traveler was amazed by the majesty of the termite piles, which reached 8 meters in height. These "skyscrapers" made of clay and sand are impressive not only for their size but also for their complex construction.
Two types of termite boxes - cathedral and magnetic - do not let the heat pass through and can serve as a home for termites for many decades.
Cathedral termite boxes, the most common in the region, have been built by insects for hundreds of years without human assistance. Magnetic termites, built from north to south, are able to regulate the temperature inside.

Often in national parks you can find many termite habitats next to each other, and sometimes they stand alone in the steppes. You can approach such clay structures, but do not disturb the termites inside.
As previously reported by TravelWise, many tourists come to Australia in the spring, when the summer heat subsides, and the country hosts many colorful festivals and cultural events.