Why you can't take a coconut on a plane: this will surprise you

Few people would want to bring a coconut on board an airplane, but if such an idea does occur to a passenger, he or she will not be able to do so. The fact is that coconuts are one of the items listed on the Dangerous Goods Register of the International Air Transport Association.
The problem is that the dried flesh of the coconut fruit, called copra, is extremely flammable, writes WA Today.
You will not be able to carry a coconut in your hand luggage. However, if you wish, you can take retail and hermetically packaged coconut snacks.
An exception can be found in India, where coconuts are sometimes transported on board airplanes as food or as a sacred object. However, security personnel may require that the coconut be broken into pieces before the passenger brings it on the plane.

It's interesting that there hasn't been a single reported case of fire on an airplane caused by coconut, but airlines don't want to take any chances.